Ramblings that occur when one is extremely horny due to being away from smexy significant others for a long time.

Note: Factors such as the following may effect level of ramblings-
-Being located in another hemisphere than significant other
-Significant others willingness to tolerate to your ramblings
-Duration of seperation (Those seperated for more than 7 months should take saftey precautions before engaging in sex)
-Significant other is a curly headed fuck
Seeing pretty girl everyday on skype and not being with her gave me a case of the x-rated spontaneous ramblings.
by crazyboy18 May 25, 2011
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When you begin singing or dancing uncontrollably in public due to an unnaturally strong vibe
Did you see Jake at the store breakout in a spontaneous vibe?
by SpaceBase November 29, 2020
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Person 1: "I love the Spontaneousness."
Person 2: "That isn't a word. It's Spontaneity."
by WordyWords September 13, 2017
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Doing alot of things spontaneously with a friend whilst bored in the school holidays.

Spontanaeity fun choredom
Jumping on a train coz you have $4 and you don't want to go home so you end up in the wop wops.

Going to see a movie coz you have absolutely nothing better to do.

Walking down the road at midnight to your local park coz you can't sleep.

Staying at one's house for a week coz you can't be bothered moving.

These are all prime examples of spontaneousness!! =
by j_clark135 October 10, 2010
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Eric says that it's when printers and scanners randomly start working
I don't know how the fuck it's all working again, but these scanners and printers are just magically spontaneously cooperating. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
by h0mer November 17, 2017
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