(N.) A race car movie that's the sequel to The Fast and the Furious. Said to be about a cop gone undercover to infiltrate Miami's street racing scene. Not that anyone really cares about the weak plot. It has fast cars, and fast car chases. That's all you really need to know.
Many people avoided 2 Fast 2 Furious just because that bald moron Vin Diesel refused to do the sequel. So What?! Who really cares? It's still an alright movie.
by G-Union July 30, 2003
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The second worst film ever made, beaten into submission by Reign of Fire

Surely a film of this stature should never be released on the public?

In 2 fast 2 furious one guy signals with a nod to the other and they zoom off at top speed, 10 minutes later they signal to each other with a nod and one pulls a 180 degree turn and drives backwards for a while- this language is stupid
by Kieren and Grae July 4, 2006
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The mental state of a striaght man following an incident of homosexual rape.
Holy fuck that guy just fucked me in the arse without asking. I'm fucking bi-furious about it
by jippontheduds May 11, 2010
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A mixture of anger and curiousity. Originally defined by Kyle Macdonald in his book when he traded down to a measly snowglobe in his "One Red Paperclip" campaign.

The ultimate aim was to trade up to a house. When Kyle traded from "one afternoon with Alice Cooper", (which was already a step down from "one year in Phoenix") to a stupid ass snowglobe, evidently, his fans were outraged. If they knew about his secret deal with Corbin Bernsen though, they wouldn't be so outraged at all.

Kyle observed a mixed range of emotions. The two key emotions that he observed were anger and curiousity.

Furiousity was born.
Holy shit dude! Did you hear? That stupid motherfucker Kyle Macdonald traded an afternoon with Alice Cooper to a fucking snowglobe! A SNOWGLOBE! What was he thinking? There is sure gonna be lot of furiousity!
by Mr. Noital March 23, 2009
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A type of masturbating practiced by reclusives who fear that their masturbatory time may be limited.

This is generally not the case, giving furious masterbaters a proclivity to masturbate a lot.
Instead of playing beer pong and sleazing on grimbos, Alex spent the night in his room, furiously masturbating.
by AXAdartmouth April 17, 2009
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Masturbating at a rate likely to cause friction burn.
Dude, wtf was Crowley doing this morning?

He was in early. He masturbates furiously when nobody is around... I wouldn't use that computer if I were you.
by 4th, disgusted March 6, 2008
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