n. - something good or worthy of praise
v. - to do something with extraordinary talent
as a noun: my basketball game is flame
as a verb: i flamed that three-pointer
by Steveo October 14, 2003
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A responce to a post that is in such error, it implies to poster is a total idiot.
Post: Computer geeks need to get a life!

Responce: WTF! Shut your bitch ass mounth you dumb punk!
by folkor June 27, 2003
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(Brit. Slang)
Similar to bait, an area or situation that is not safe and secure. Used to describe a situation that carries certain risks.
Man, we can't bun here, it's flame.
Lets move bre it's flame-grilled in here!
by Avtex December 27, 2006
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Metrosexual noun used to describe the action(s) of another thing. This can be another person or an animal.
by Damon Crawford June 30, 2006
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hey man pass me the flame so I can light up a ciggarette
by Grey Jones January 25, 2005
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Holy Spirit; Holy Ghost; Advocate; Paraclete

Predating the Pentecostal groups was a phenomenon called “fire Baptism.” It was an experience preached by some holiness ministers looking for something more than the holiness experience itself. Fire Baptism was the personal religious experience of being filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit, taking its name from the Holy Spirit’s descent upon the Apostles in the form of tongues of flame.
The Holy Spirit is moving once again in the lives of the faithful just daring us to catch this life changing flame, which once burned so bright.

by NoOne333 October 7, 2005
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