Seven Acquaintances who act as thou are Retarded, however thou typically in actuality arnt tramps and heathens, thoust are actually fully systematic and contributing members of society as an entirety, they jest often in thy shadows, and thous jests are legitimately absolutely bussing however thous jests art not to be taken delicately as it inherits crude and uncivilized humor and smatter serfs may find thee jests critically wounding, however no one fornicatiddly beseeched.
"Bro, did you hear about the the Seven Deadly Disabilities?"

"The fucking who?"
by MrStealYourArbortedBaby July 5, 2022
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Whenever you receive a facial from a handicapped individual
“Woah, did you hear about Jensen?”

“Yeah, I heard that Timmy gave her a Disabled Facial. That’s so sick. I didn’t even know it worked”
by JoeKempIII July 26, 2019
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r/Entitledparents A Crazy Entitled Mother Rips Off My Prosthetic Arm! by Rslash
time stamp 11:39
ep: You only have 1 child and i have 2 that means i have a disability.

Op: ?
by LoTF Hockey January 31, 2020
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when the government doesn’t allow emergent things to generally happen in front of disabled people
The disabled delay kept them from suffering more illnesses which would cost the government more funds.
by Coop Dupe December 15, 2019
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A food disability is when you can not eat any type of food for a reason beyond taste preference. ie Gluten intolerance is a food disability. Can also be used as food disabled.
I hate having Tommy over for dinner, I also have to make something special for him because he has a food disability.
by j3w15hw00k13 November 17, 2020
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A food disability is something that prevents you from eating a food for any reason. ie gluten intolerance is a food disability. Also able to be used as food disabled.
I have to make special food for Tommy because he has a food disability.
by j3w15hw00k13 November 17, 2020
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