Colloquial term for a Goth. So named because of their tendency to "bum crows".
I went to see Bauhaus and I couldn;t move for crowbummers.
by Tony Mosserelli October 4, 2004
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A name given to the main bum bandit in your group
Look at him! Oh I know who that is, that’s batty bummer birch. He’s always down bummers alley
by Barry bicep July 3, 2020
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Generally a person or persons' who enjoys the cats rectal area. A cat bummer is often associated with anal cat related activities. Basically some one who enjoys ass fucking cats.
On Friday nights Tom has often indulged in a good session of cat bumming.

Tom is a cat bummer.
by Daz183 October 16, 2008
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to chase down, or run down a chicken and fuck it hardcore in the ass
Kaite said "I'm gonna chicken bummer that bitch, chicken."
by Katie,Yani,Michelle May 22, 2008
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a response to being informed about a chatters moms death made popular by streamer WeFoundTheBody

after asking a chatter where they've been, after being given the response WeFoundTheBody proceeded to say
the fabled phrase
"where the f*ck have you been"

"you know what we're not gonna do, we're not gonna talk about it in my chat because it's Friday
and that's a whole big bucket of bummer"
by FluffyAnarchists December 17, 2022
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Hot girl bummer is the definition of finding a girl who is participating in hot girl summer and posting pictures to draw attention and likes using her body or sex appeal. Using hot girl summer as a front for female empowerment and loving their body, but instead just want male attention and boost social media likes using thirst traps.
Damn hot girl summer, nah that’s a hot girl bummer she’s not that committed bro.
by Whatyouknowaboutthis August 28, 2019
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A term used for when a males penis becomes slightly bent upwards due to excessive bumming. Almost resembling a banana.
Guy 1: Wow that's a mighty case of bummers penis you have there.

Guy 2: Yeah I bum like twice a day.
by Fury556 September 29, 2009
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