People who say that they can boot you offline permanently but most of them won't do crap.

How to tell if they won't do crap

They don't know what IP stands for
They use the term "Mac IP" on XBOX
They threaten to ban people who are bad at a game
Little Kids that say that their uncle works for Microsoft
If they sound like a hillbilly.

How to tell if they might do crap

You won't find out instantly.
"I can boot you offline kid! My uncle works for Microsoft!"
"Shut up little kid, you fake booter"

"I just snagged your MAC IP address!"
"Dude, this is XBOX for god sakes"

"I don't need to know what IP stands for!"
"You're making yourself look more retarded, so just
by shut up and dont care January 14, 2015
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A simple man who doesnt do anything but complain and Fail. He is a total loser and has no life.
How you 20 and have No girl Booter!!
by Jalo909 May 6, 2021
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someone getting your ip and turns off your wifi

by Yasumori May 23, 2020
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An online male who will threaten you to get attention for female validation. Will also hold ur info about Wi-Fi up for ransom to mock you.
I don’t want him in my Xbox party he’s a Booter.
by Lainnyomum February 8, 2022
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what it dooo booter crew
by mke gary October 10, 2017
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A booters is a look, state or mindset characterized as being: full of life, innocent and happy, (despite the world being tough and unforgiving).

A booters is an individual that lacks insecurities that plague most people, and just wants to embrace their goofy, personality-filled, loving self.

A booters is a goober.

Typically, booters love Vines, memes, YLYL compilations, etc..

If a booters never outgrows their booters-ness while becoming an adult:

-they will become amazing lovers because they are incredibly empathetic

-They typically will make excellent parents as they teach kids to embrace who they truly are, and want their kids to be loving, smiling, beautiful/glowing people


Examples of booters are: -puppies or grown dogs doing adorable, dumb things

-little kids doing gooberish/innocent/adorable things

NOT to be mistaken with: a 'dicktit' (see definition)
Trevor: "Hey babe, watch this video of this little kid trying his best to bring this drink into another room."

<YouTube video: Tydus"uh-oh I spilled it">

Babe: "Omg WHAT A LITTLE BOOTERS!!! <3<3"
by Daddy Badass Booters April 22, 2018
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