The act of being a totally rude jerk to someone, or showing someone the acts of being a jerk.

Guy 1:I totally punched out the girl last night

Bryan: Super Bogus
by Personal Blend May 18, 2007
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Used for someone who has typically stabbed you in the back, been fake, sneaky, or has wronged you.
Bro i can't believe you kissed my girl, you bogus as hell.
by A baddie named leah March 16, 2021
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can mean a lot of things
- mean
- fake
- someone that did you diry
person 1: ayo that person is ugly
person 2 damn bro you’re bogus as hell
person 1: dude macy cheated on you
person 2: ik she did me dirty bro
by just here April 28, 2021
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I word used by people that want to be cool but drive slow cars, like BMW's.
That car is bogus. Its slow as shit.
by Aaron Solgoma November 30, 2021
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Something that people think is crap or boring, or just shit, word created by Ryan Grogan
by Erik Ranalds February 3, 2018
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God, I dread this neuroanatomy class! Oh, well, it's mandatory. BOGU.
by Fesser June 12, 2022
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