Made famous by Dr. Evil from Austin Powers 2, this can be synonymous with phrases like "That's how I roll" and "That's how we do things around here." It's often used after completing a task you're very proud of, making a good play in a sport, and any stubborn, confident, or cocky remark.
by belgiumdip September 29, 2010
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A genre of music defined by J G E and J C B. It combines the land of Belgium with the Trance Jazzy Blues of music. It is enjoyed by at least 2 people in the world.
That sort of background music you here at parties. But only at parties that take place at someone called Annie's house and it had to be in a sort of out door barn, I know ridiculous, AN OUTDOOR BARN. It is commonly know as Belgium Trance Jazz Blues.
by that bloke with the hair. April 7, 2010
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A dirty sex maneuver between two German mexican niggers, where one man opens up his Dutch Oven (His rectum), and the other inserts his Belgium Waffle batter (shit) and leaves it in the Dutch oven for approximately 10 minutes. Flip the waffle half way through and it will be ready when you insert a tooth pick in and it comes out clean. Remove it from the oven carefully with a spatula or a dick, lather it in piss-butter and feel free to top it off with some cum-syrup. Enjoy!
Son: What's for breakfast Dad???

Dad: We're making home made Dutch Oven Belgium waffle's in your dutch oven, bend over son.
by BelgiumWaffleMan November 23, 2011
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When randomly, in the act of intercourse, a man switches his dong out for a Belgium sausage.
Marshall gave his girl the night of her life when he gave her a Belgium surprise.
by gmoneyslaps April 23, 2023
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Similar to a Dutch Oven and a Belgium Chimney, however, the act is performed during intercourse while farting and your partner is on top followed by pulling blankets over both.
I ate chicken vindaloo before my last hook-up and totally gave that broad a Belgium Tower!
by PT40 March 9, 2023
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Where a country has no leader or government for a period of time, operating by the old government's rules and continuing as usual. This normally doesn't work for very long, as the lack of government means that core features that a government brings cannot proceed until a new one forms to take its place. It's called a “Belgium technocracy” as a joke about Belgium breaking its own record for days without government for 592 days.
Maybe it might've been a better idea to just have a Belgium technocracy than this.
by DerpyDerp80 November 25, 2021
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when a smaller nation is forcibly annexed into a larger nation, usually via military force.
Denmark got Belgiumed into Germany during World War 2
by DAMEN CARMEN March 6, 2023
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