That's it. New Poland is located in the dead European country formerly known as Germany. :) RIP Germany. 1860-2017
by Charmouche April 2, 2017
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To go out for a fun night on the town, have a beer. No sexual connotations.
"Yeah, after the way work went today, I'm sure as hell up for invading Poland."
by KIA - Underground Authority November 11, 2007
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When a man sperms into a water bottle (preferably poland spring) until its filled to the top. then he drinks it
Man, i got a stomach ache from drinking all 6 of those Poland Sperms.
by zelda ben October 21, 2008
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a town where all the kids think they are farm hicks when really only a few live on farms. they think they are cool and all but they are not. The people in poland enjoy going to bars and wasting their lives and they are experts.
Bob: hey
Lilli: where are u from
Bob: Poland, New York
Lilli: oh goodbye
by Kreepp May 5, 2011
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along the lines of rubinoff and dubra, this vodka will get you drunk for the amount of money you spend on a tin of dip.
rubbing alcohol is poland springs vodka
by kevincough April 20, 2006
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You have heard the song-
You search it up-
You found this song on tik tok.
Boy: *Sings i love Poland*
Boy 2: What are you singing?
Boy: I love Poland
by xSandx November 22, 2020
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A sad excuse for an arguement given by a incumbant President trying desperatly to escape his dismal record.

While a "You forgot Poland" comment seems true, in reality the event never actually happened in the first place.

A "You forgot Poland" comment is weak and a sign of desperation because even if it *did* happen as claimed, it would still be a really weak and practically meaningless point.
Person A: "Secondly, when we went in, there were three countries: Great Britain, Australia and the United States. That's not a grand coalition. We can do better."

Person B: "Well, actually, he forgot Poland"

(Person B has failed to realize that Poland was not actually in the group that "went in". Only in August of 2003 did Poland finally send troops, and it really had no effect anyway, merely a token, noncombat force.)
by Watchful Eye October 1, 2004
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