Wow, where do you even start to describe such a stunning pig like Peppa. She looks like a supermodel in anything she wears. there's never a time where I've been physically pained to see her . She makes me the happiest I've been in a long time and her beautiful personality is so infectious that she could probably make hitler and bin laden smile. It is a blessing to be with her and and no moment with her should ever be a moment wasted. also don't be surprised if you have to end a couple of kids lives to get to her, cause shes gotta a reason to be pursued. Lastly, you can always count on her to be your #1 no matter what in all aspects of life.
by PeppaYodaWiggum August 29, 2023
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A fat pig that is 7'1" like wtf?
Person: Yo do you know who peppa pig is?
Person 2: Yea, shes that fat-ass pig that lives down the block
by ask your girl abt me March 5, 2021
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I watch peppa pig because her dad is fat.
by Cfggggggf September 23, 2021
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idk it's peppa pig
person 1:i love peppa pig
person 2: i wanna poo
by ballzinpeppapigsmouth April 26, 2022
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The infamous World War II death factory comes to life. Step inside and experience the horror for yourself.
Let's watch Peppa Pig!
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