A gay ass mf who is obsessed with tokyo revengers and is jealous that his ex bf is married to a Victoria Luna Perez
Me: That Muhammad Khan is such a dumbass

Someone: Yeah and he's horny af
by slayyyyybbgperiodtttt March 15, 2022
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A chill guy that plays fortnite all day with 5 solo wins, his cusses are bad
Joe: Yo this guy Muhammad Musa Patel is chill
John: but you cant say the same for his cusses
by ryan7863 April 21, 2020
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Muhammad Reza is the most sexiest person.He has bright smile and his hair is as soft as a clould if you having a bad day he will know and cheer you.He is as smart as einstein and knows the solution to every problem.
Muhammad Reza is the coolest person I have ever met
by I'm never wrong.? March 5, 2022
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He is Muhammad Faris, The King!
Handsome, intelligent, a warrior is what comes to mind. He is successful in both worlds, and very humble. He can be silly and serious. He does not worry about blending with the crowd and does his own thing. He is trustworthy and never speaks a word that is not true.

He walks with such might that makes it hard to miss him.

Girls notice him, but he only has time and attention for the right one.
Muhammad Faris is one of the Abdullahi’s.
by RuAb November 24, 2021
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a skinny cunt who is built like | . He tries hard to get Sally Kim, but she will always love his best friend Alexander. isn't that right ali?
by puffyiscracked September 25, 2020
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"Muhammad Rao" literally means the best. A Muhammad Rao will always have an entrepreneurial mindset and a 100% guaranteed successful future. A Muhammad Rao is good in all aspects of life and no one can compete with him. A Muhammad Rao gets more than a 100 tinder matches daily but he does not give a damn. Always be a friend with a "Muhammad Rao" you won't regret it.
Be more like "Muhammad Rao", you little bitch.
by thecoolbot_ November 22, 2021
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absolute chad with a gigantic penis and an even larger brain
girl1: I think I am in love
girl2; Is it another Muhammad Rao?
by chadmaster420 November 22, 2021
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