When a person hovers his ass over a urinal and fills it with shit.
Dude some kid took a dookie hover in the locker room!
by dookie69 May 3, 2010
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A game in which a female (preferably a trap) strips in front of as many males as it can, the last man to go hard wins a blowjob.
by STREWZMEMEZ March 7, 2018
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Usually done by females, the hover mode is the position assumed when not wanting to place your pristine ass cheeks on a nasty, germy, disgusting toilet seat (i.e. any porta-potty, or the toilets in Grand Central Station)

This position is maintained the entire time business is being taken care of and often results in making a further mess of said toilet seat, causing future users of said toilet to also utilize Hover Mode, compounding the problem.
Jill would nearly throw up at the idea of using a porta-potty, but, last week, at the County Fair, she absolutely could not hold it, and so had to go into Hover Mode and use the porta-potty
by Kalisiin April 13, 2014
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Basically, its when you shit in a bowl without your asscheeks making contact with the bowl because it looks dirty or its in a grimey spot, like the subway. You're ass must hover over the bowl to take said shit.
There was piss all over the seat so I had to drop a hover bomb.
by PureRaw June 11, 2011
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1. A Segway that you can drive by balancing on to wheels with a sensitive pad on it.
2. A transportable bomb.
How are you going to use the Hover Board to rob a bank?
by honeyberry205 January 3, 2017
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the acts of "liking" a large number of someone's photos, statuses, and posts on the social network, Facebook.
Hover floving is usually as performed by a mother who misses her daughter or a desperate ex-lover hoping to rekindle a romance. The number of likes is subjective, but less than 10 is looked down upon. More than 100 is legendary.

Hover floving is like stalking, but a good thing.
by Rachel's Mom September 12, 2013
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