Someone in Fox News comment section who exposes there disgusting commenters and posts. People such as moesoab48 and are a few. Moe scares them by using Arab curse words and defending blm protesters. calls out the lies of fox itself
I love Fox News exposers
by Nascarfan2007 March 26, 2023
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Irreversible, potentially fatal cognitive dissociation from staring glassy-eyed and slack-jawed at Fox.
She believes every word. The pandemic is a hoax, Hannity and the phony doctors tell her so. Trump is sent by God, behold his divine genius! The Fox News Fugue has taken her soul and she's going to Vegas if she has to walk, the only place that sees social-distancing as the lie it is.
by Monkey's Dad April 23, 2020
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Your typical woman who doesn't watch the news or pay attention to politics, yet is able to recite a list of things she is currently mad about. This is usually due to being married to a republican who watches fox news all day.
She was spouting conflicting ideologies like she didn't understand what she was saying - what a fox news wife.
by Dracon421 February 21, 2021
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Some piece of information completely blown out of proportion because there's nothing interesting going on in the world.
I was trying to watch TV, but all there was was a bunch of Fox News worthy bullshit.
by BrazzersBananas June 13, 2015
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A drinking game that can be played almost any time of day.

This is the "minority" version.
While watching an opinion program such as "Glenn Beck" or "Huckabee" watch for shots of the audience. If you see a Mexican you do 5 shots. An African American: 4, and Indian 3,an Asian 2, and 1 for anybody in between (non-white). You will most likely be able to drive home afterward.

This is the "constitution" version.
While watching "Glenn Beck" listen for any vague references to the constitution. Also listen for random buzz words such as "liberty" or "founding fathers". Take shots accordingly.

This is the "propaganda" version.
While watching any Fox News at any time, watch for Nazi or Soviet propaganda take shots accordingly.
We got wasted playing the "Fox News Drinking Game"
by ADMIRAL Obvious June 13, 2010
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Niles and Frasier Crane type people who think they're liberals but are conservatives who sit on the couch all day to drink beer and watch Fox News. They also vote for Donald J. Trump. They're idiots.
Fox News liberals are self proclaimed liberals who are actually conservatives and listen to what the dumb fucks over at Fox News tell them.
by A great mind... October 17, 2020
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