Fandom name of the toxic part of a.r.m.y which are BTS fans. They like to drag down other groups down, appropriating other fandoms joke, and they have a big superiority complex. They made a.r.m.y dirty and now theyre the most toxic fandom of kpop. F*ck armchairs !
A: They stolen our inside joke again
B: Who ?
A: Armchairs

B: Wtf again ???
by kpopencyclopedia December 2, 2020
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A person who tries to solve real life crimes by finding evidence exclusively using their computer.

Usually collaborates with people on Reddit/4chan or other forums.
Young Timmy is too into finding the identity of a cat murderer he found online by finding the IP address of the site the murderer set up and posting it on 4chan. He is an Armchair Sleuth.
by spr_shb September 16, 2021
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A micromanager who thinks they know more about a product than the professionals they’ve hired to develop it, despite the fact the reason they hired the professionals in the first place is due to the fact that they know diddly-fucking-squat about it.
Sorry guys I know I'm solutioning, but I'm a total armchair solutionizer
by Andy loves hookers and coke September 23, 2020
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An internet expert who believes anything and everything he/she posts is unquestionable fact, and has no burden to support any of his/her claims.
Bah, you can ask him for evidence all day long, but he's just another armchair dictator.
by Grandmastershek February 8, 2016
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A lazy filmmaker who puts no effort in directing a movie. A armchair dictator is typically only in it for the paycheck.
George Lucas took an armchair dictator approach to making the prequels.
by dyslexicperson2 March 30, 2020
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A Mahogany Armchair is when you're having sex with a woman and she shits in your lap, then proceeds to ride you to a climax.
Person 1: Bro, I had sex with Becky last night and she gave me a Mahogany Armchair.

Person 2: That's so clutch!!
by Astro99 July 16, 2022
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Someone who goes on holiday with just google street view
Oh, I've never actually been to New York, I'm just an armchair tourist
by Geyserburd November 7, 2023
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