Anh Tuyen is a very intelligent and introverted individual. She can be very quiet and non- responsive. However, once you get to know her, she is the complete opposite. She can be the most lively and enthusiastic. Count on her to cheer you up or if you need any motivation! She can be very clumsy and destructive. Don't let her cook or play with your prized possessions.
by athena12345 February 1, 2020
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A beautiful creature that only exist in our most dearest mind
there is nothing can exist out of our mind
you mean DANG VU ANH
by KE HUY DIET LOL April 19, 2022
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To-Anh is the hottest asian girl from Vietnam.

She is very funny, helpful, talanted and kind, but if anyone has the courage to make her angry, oh buddy you make a BIG fault.
You are very lucky when you meet a girl like this, becaus she is loyal and friendly to most of her friends and other persons.

Sometimes she is very VERY crazy, but in the good way!

Mostly she has black hair, brown eyes and a flat nose.
General is to say: the person that anyone likes and loves
Person 1: Who is this beautyful girl? She seems very interesting

Person 2: oh that's To-Anh, the asian girl. i've heard she is very smart and talanted too
Yeah a typical To-Anh

i wish i can be like her
by anonyme_280 January 3, 2017
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A Male Asian name, mostly Vietnamese, usually good looking and have special music talent. Most of the guys with this name have a caring personality
Trong Anh, what a guy
He was a great man
by November 21, 2021
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