Alicia is the ugliest beast you’ll ever meet. She’s annoying and weird. If you come across her run for your life so you don’t hurt your eyes. She can usually speak a few different languages, but is kind. If you piss her off then you may get killed tho. She’s dumb and knows it. She also has no self esteem and may have had several problems through out her life. Just remember she’s the ugliest thing you’ll ever see.

Ps. This is only for one Alicia so no other Alicias are like this. Lol
People see Alicia: *their eyes hurt*
Alicia: *looks away*
People: *run*

Ps. Remember this is only for one Alicia. No other Alicia is like this.
by Aliataphs March 3, 2020
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a nice, average person who loves texting and basic things eg. opposite gender and always unconsciously flirting with someone
"wow I love skyping"

:/ that so Alicia
by anonnnnnnnssss May 29, 2017
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A big hoe. She is very two faced and a total bitch and will try to fuck up anyone’s life and she goes through boys like someone goes through toilet paper.
Alicia that hoe
by Your secret admire March 3, 2019
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Alicia is a person who's always negative, constantly bitchy and can't have fun ever. She hates people in a good mood.
That Alicia is a bitch.
by T Doug July 14, 2019
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Total slut that wants to fuck any guy she sees. She cheats on every guy she is with. She is small, annoying, and extra.
person 1: ew, she is such an Alicia.
person 2: I know right.
by Erick1010 April 26, 2017
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