by Puppies_1256 April 18, 2021
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i cant believe you commmmmiiiteeeed suicide
mk,bitcch fokin die
by isis is si with it April 10, 2018
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A word that emo girls on tiktok took over, normally used when they donโ€™t want to agree with someone.
Person 1: Black people can be racist.
Person 2: Die.
by poopybuttholeslol April 21, 2021
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Person:I love you
Person2:no no it means I love you so much more!
by Inad1tch July 21, 2021
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you die
by Indominus67 January 31, 2020
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An acronym for Diversity Inclusion and Equity. To the people who uses these terms, they all (literally) mean the same thing and each one renders the other two redundant. I'll explain:
Hym "Here's how DIE renders 2/3 of the acronym redundant: So, when they say 'diversity' they mean 'Diversity is good, therefore, non-whites should be hired preferentially.' By 'Inclusivity' they mean 'Non-whites should be included in all works spaces, therefore, non-whites should be hired preferentially.' By 'Equity' they mean 'Outcomes between whites and non-whites are disparate, therefore, non-whites should be hired preferentially.' THEY ALL (LITERALLY) MEAN THE SAME THING! Literally! Dr. Jeepjorp asked me once why I omitted 'Equity' from one of my questions and my response was 'It wasn't relevant.' My response SHOULD HAVE BEEN 'I should have omitted 2 of them because they all just translate to: Non-whites should be hired preferentially' It's redundant and retarded. An acronym where all 3 words mean the exact same thing. These are the geniuses that took over the world. Great job guys. Great job letting morons take over all of the things in a of your countries. Good thing you guys are all so much better than me, huh? Because you all let that happen. I was literally a non-participant. Didn't even know any of this existed until it was 28. So, not my fault. Your fault. How about a round of applause ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ You guys are doing a great job without me. Good thing I'm being ignored."
by Hym Iam August 10, 2022
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