A bitch ass school, filled with dumbass white boys and blacks. Food is ass af but our sports is fabulous. We like bayou academy or know as John Howard academy and we love jackson academy Bc they both suck dong
What the hell is “pillow academy
Pillow academy is a sped school full of “pussys
by YoMama69420—-12 October 21, 2021
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The art of putting a small animal in a pillow case and beating it against walls until it becomes a bloody mess and has a pillow like form.
Hey dad I'm about to pillow pet that cat if it claws me one more time
by Red9252 November 2, 2021
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The act of stuffing your bra so full it looks as if the bra will explode. Usually resulting in sore boobs and being called a mega-stuffer for the rest of the year!
look at alyssa, she's such a pillow puff
by gooftick122 December 18, 2013
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A term touring musicians use to refer to girls in different towns that they can hook up with.
I've got a tour pillows in New York, Miami, and Philadelphia.
by FuckTanner November 16, 2017
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Pillow sweat is when you wake up and your pillow is soaking wet, it could either be from crying, slobbering or sweating. Either way, if you see it on someone's pillow don't sleep there.
Nicole: I went over Bob's house and slept over the night, and when he woke up I saw pillow sweat on his pillow.

Lana: Ugh! He was probably crying.
by butwhat101 August 30, 2015
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A Pillow Beaver not to be confused with Pillow Biter, is typically a mammal of the human variety. He/She will gather all of the pillows to their side of a sleeping area creating a dam like effect. This Dam prohibits the calm waters of natural sleep to wash over any other mammals in said sleeping area. They do this unintentionally for it is intrinsic in their nature, thus a Pillow Beaver.
Adam: Dude I'm spent I crashed over at Cougar Dana's last night. I woke up at like 4am my neck was killing me, I look over and she has like nine pillows on her side of the bed. I slept like dagg' shit.

Lee: Dude what a freakin' Pillow Beaver.

Adam: I know right.
by Wellhung2178 January 22, 2014
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