Having the special ability of posting in forum threads while performing the act of drifting with a vehicle.
Yo! I'm so skilled that I can post-while-drift!
by slammed@ca.com February 17, 2009
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The immense sadness felt when someone comes to the end of a series especially a long one. This can cause lowkey depression and an overall bitter mood.
After finishing the last season I have serious post-series depression.
by nini4989 May 18, 2021
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The realization one has after he's finished coding. You suddenly see how shit your code is and that it needs a complete rewrite.
*post-code clarity hits* Fuck, did I really write this?
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When you run for office in a Democratic system, lose the vote, declare yourself the winner anyway and accuse everyone else of being the ones in denial.
"Before the election was called, I had a pretty good feeling about it, so I preemptively declare victory and anointed myself an Anarcho-Monarch of Ottowa. Then to my shock and also not shock at all, the elites appointed their own puppet-leader instead, Zed Shabibe. Or something, I dunno, I wasn't paying attention. I'm calling upon my supporters to not recognize the legitimacy of these so-called 'elected officials' unless it's ever me."
-- Jreg satirizing Post-Ironic Democracy in "I Won (And By A Lot)"
by The Logical Fallacy December 24, 2022
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The nostalgic feeling that you experience when you meet your long-distance bestie — that’s post-meeting depression.

The moment you two divide, you may feel like the world’s about to end. But no worries, friend. Distance will be broken. You’re meant to be, no matter what.
«Hey, I just got on the train
«You‘re not having post-meeting depression, aren’t you?»
«Doesn’t matter. We’re all under the same sky, after all.»
by uovo July 16, 2020
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That sober or relaxed feeling some people get after busting a nut or otherwise having an orgasm. Horny feelings are all gone for a while and you think with a fresh mindset.
"this dude is so down bad, he needs some of that post nut clarity"
"I was getting so frustrated until I decided to get some post nut clarity, now I'm relaxed as hell, man"
"How is he finding such good moves? Must be that post nut clarity."
"I was thinking of messaging my ex until I got some post nut clarity, now I realize I was just horny."
by speedyNEET May 30, 2022
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The period during the aftermath of your anniversary upon which you realise that you are once again ordinary. Just another day of time, just so happening to mark your date of birth on an annual scale on the Gregorian Calendar. Ill feelings of trepidation and longing for the past are symptoms. Everyone gets post birthday depression once a year, unless you are born on February 29 and get it once every four years.
Abigail had post birthday depression after her birthday, so I proceed in making her cum.
by Birthday boy October 16, 2008
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