1.) A form of compassion typically for a significant other. Can make you feel happy or leave you on the couch eating a pint of ice cream.
2.) A useless word to describe something you like. (Mostly Teens)
2.) "I just LOVE what you've done with the place." (meaning, 'it looks ok.')
by IrishFae October 2, 2019
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Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, and trusting them not to, or it's when all you care about is their happiness, safety and health If they are gone for more than 2 minutes you already miss and long for them to be next to you. Their smile makes you melt their presence makes you grin and feel happy.
He loves her so much.
by Gkvyoaogk9 June 30, 2018
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Love has multiple meanings. All the adults say that us kids dont know what love is and that we are too young to understand. Well, i disagree. We love our family dont we? What about our friends, pets, possibly teachers? I believe love has multiple meanings, and multiple steps. at a young age we experience the love of family that teaches us what love is, we soon grow to love our friends and people that have great meaning in our lives. We grow to love specific objects that have meaning. Notice a pattern? MEANING. We grow to love boyfriends/girlfriends. Middle school relationship: basically really good friends, LOVE. High school: relationships get deeper and begin to form stronger bonds, LOVE. College: get a feel of what a married couple might do and begin to think about an actual future, LOVE. Then we get to marriage, the never ending love that is everyones goal to meet. But the question is, if kids dont know what love is, then how do adults all of a sudden know? Love is a system of steps, you must accomplish one step in order to proceed to the goal. its just like a ladder, you take one step at a time til you reach the top. So i do feel that we kids know what love is, its just a different form of it.
I love you -- you mean so much to me
by Ami Rose August 29, 2013
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Something you simply cannot describe without feeling it.
Person A: I'm in love!
Person B: What's love?
Person A:.....
by KacimaRX June 14, 2012
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