When an Irish woman kicks her man out of the house and changes the locks.
"Fiona, did someone get a hold of your keys?"
"No, just a change of jockey"
by IreCan March 12, 2021
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Someone who gains from something like a court case at an oppurtune time, and it's also a way to silence or dispose of enemies.
The police weren't really protecting anybody but her, the wealthy instigator of change.
by Solid Mantis April 21, 2021
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It's when a male is in a cold climate (like Minnesota) goes outside to pee and his penis retracts into his body, do to the cold.
Hey man I had to take a piss, but a Minnesota sex change stopped that from happening.
by Drewbiepoo February 13, 2021
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So called "heavy" "rock" "band" from Hinesville.
"Oh you mean that shit ass band. Devin suxors both on the guitar and vocals. Sup Mr. Clean. Good Luck anyway."
by Devin March 20, 2005
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Finding and picking up change that once was in a persons butt crack.
Mike found some rudy change and put it in his pocket
by dsr August 21, 2006
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A reference to when one gives a no look reach around hand-job, after which cheap cigars are smoked.
We were stuck at a party and couldn’t find a closet, so I settled for a Dominican oil change.
by Pertplus111 October 18, 2020
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