1. to have an orgasm

2. to copulate

3. to masturbate
He is in his room getting it off.
by Light Joker August 24, 2005
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i was getting head and she started to bite
by odpgqk May 2, 2019
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From a news source:
The advertisements that ran on about 200 buses across the city in recent months carried posters displaying a suggestively posed woman in hot pants kneeling among a pile of books beside the snappy slogan "Read Books, Get Brain."
by JoeCool November 6, 2004
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A phrase often said with sarcasm to someone without thinking of their feelings/reactions
Wife:You have been wanking when I have been out havent you?
Husband:Get over it
by jools22 June 23, 2006
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v. To indulge in the act of mating with another person.
To have coitus interruptus
To make love
"Darling, now its our wedding night, shall we get biblical like the good lord advise?"
"Oh yes darling, that would please the baby jesus"
by Reg Davey December 22, 2005
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Used by Australians to define anything. Second most used word there after "cunt". Can be used when something amazing happens, e.g. Timmy Cahill scoring a stunner or your mate breaking the speed drinking record of your local pub (also known as the Cahillian Challenge )
1. "Timmy Cahill sliding out back...Oh get fucked! Get absolutely fucked!"

2."I've just beaten ol' Mike at ping pong" "Get fucked!"
by bydy2 February 14, 2015
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