"They call me Tater Salad"-Ron White
by Joe C April 9, 2005
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A trio of hot, young students.. working their way up the pole or ladder. Furthermore, they hussle and bussle.

Their slogan goes something like this... "Hot Taters.. No TITTIES, Strictly MOVES."

and there you have it. suuukkkas.
Damn, look at dem Hot Taters shake dem Taters.
by Kather August 17, 2006
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Cave tater- a derogatory name for a female whose appearance is extremely unattractive and whose weight is close to or exceedingly obese.
Man I really like her but she's a cave tater.
by The wild man of Knott county September 3, 2016
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A small, incomplete thought, not ready for prime time.

Like a frozen nugget that still needs considerable energy before its any good.
My plan to tell the cell phone company my phone was stolen so I wouldn't have to pay my bill was a liquor-induced tater-thought.
by Rusharound October 29, 2005
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Overly large vagina. What someone does not want to find on a girl. Sometimes containing "gravy" or discharges
by Ninilchikframer February 13, 2016
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A place mostly found in the hood inside a ruin down looking, raggedy gas stations, that any person in their right mind wouldn't dream of eating from, that serves fried greasy food for low prices. These deadly foods include: fried chicken, fried catfish, mac'n'cheese, corn dogs, cheese sticks, popers, fried fat back meat and, of course, fried potato wedges aka 'taters'. Be warned eating too much of this food will kill your black a$$ or make you big as a house.
Juggernaut: Hey Wolfen I'm hungry, but i don't have a lot
of money.

JWolfen: It's cool, let's go to that raggedy tater store and
rack up.

Juggernaut: Yeah I forgot about the tater store. I can
get 24 taters for $4.00, can't beat that.

JWolfen: Man juggernaut, you know your fat a$$ don't
need no 24 taters. That stuff is going to kill you.
by App!3x August 25, 2010
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A person that has a lack of common sense.

May be expressed as " not the brightest bulb on the christmas tree"
Ex) What a "tater tard" she just passed out on the urinal !!!

Carl: O wut securities coming, your done
Ferg: No, way ill just say this is my cone baby
Carl: You tater tard that won't work
Ferg: I got over the fact my baby's got a cone head he should too!

All people in scary movies that walk toward the presence of imminent danger

Your friend you just said wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed
by Cone Baby November 2, 2009
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