It's a term created by red necks to call any white person out for being ok with black people
(white man and black man greet each other)
Red neck:you better watch out for them niggers
White man:there isn't anything wrong with African Americans
Redneck:GODAMN African booty scratcher!
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people that love to eat booty and don't know how to stfu and they love to scratch their butts and sniff it after!
ya'll are african booty scratchers lmao.
by papiarmani101 May 23, 2019
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a South African man who enjoys scratching jaguars or other felines normally in their naughty places
Bob is such a Canadian Duck Scratcher!
by Lord and Lady D February 9, 2009
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Someone who continually scratches his Gluteus Maximus to the point that he resembles King Kong.
Hey man, that guy climbing a tree, he's a King Kong booty scratcher
by I Look like Goku August 14, 2015
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Another name for your hands scratching your dirty cock. What you don't want touching your potato chips!
by Madness18 January 23, 2018
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