When people add pointless accessories to the car to make it appear faster to them:
Boeing 747 wings
fart can exhaust
neon lighting
ugly body kits
walmart hubcaps

never ending amount of stickers

The fast and furious phase in life.
by My Z haz V-tec YO December 15, 2010
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This is what you call a white guy who tries to act like an Asian. There is a high probability that he will try (usually with little success) to get with an Asian girl. Other indicators are that he will like anime, manga, and drive a ricer.
Look everyone, here comes Vanilla Rice with his riced-up civic. Pretty soon he'll be talking about Goku and stuff. And he's white, not Asian.
by Johnny Longmeat July 20, 2006
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"Man, Ai is so cute! She's so innocent!"
"Nah man, Ai's a rice whore."
by Joe-E D-Con April 17, 2012
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An expression said by those who appreciate rice and related subjects so much that it has become a huge part of their life.
*picks rice instead of other carbs*
*is attracted to someone who obviously eats a lot of rice*
*eats rice more than twice a week*
*sells rice for a living*
*mods car for no technical reasons*
*loves rice krispies*
*has rice in pocket*
Rice is life!
by Pap¡ September 8, 2016
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A protector queen who consumes & stockpiles rice at every opportunity.

There are two traits of rice mama-hood:
1. Relying almost exclusively on a rice-based diet, and disdaining any suggestion of sampling the other cereals.
2. Using her substantial basmati surplus to nourish her nearest and dearest.

Be wary of coming between her and her starchy bounty. She guards her larder like a coked up Cerberus.
Did you see Han ordering all that risotto at the pub last night? Noone else was even eating. What an absolute rice mama.
by Nishnish117 February 12, 2023
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A young gay male Asian. An Asian twink. A gaysian twink.
The rice twink went out dancing at the gay club tonight, perhaps looking for a rice queen daddy.
by wshaw March 20, 2011
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