Similar to minge, but used in the Southern Parts of Victoria Australia it's used as an insult to someone for doing something stupid.
"Angus, you f***ing munge!"
by sickladc**t November 7, 2012
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70's era slang term for cum
I found it deeply satisfying to be a woman sitting in a meeting of overbearing, male studio execs, with a crotch full of mung from my morning room with the pool boy.
by MyShariaMoor November 10, 2017
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The build up of various bodily fluids including and not limited to urine, semen, sweat, saliva and fecal matter that accumulates on and around the base of the commode, mostly found in dank public restrooms and glory holes. The "matter " resembles a dark pastey material with specific odor. This matter is considered an aphrodisiac by a select few.
I caught that sick bastard Mahlon on his hands and knees sniffing the Mung around the commode in the men's room up on the fifth floor..
by Uscored October 30, 2012
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In the circle of people I always hung out with and partied with when I was young and foolish, we always referred to bong water as "mung." I never thought it meant anything else, since that's the only context I'd heard it used in.
Don't spill the mung on the carpet, man. It'll stink like shit forever.
by JuliePulie July 27, 2006
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the act in which 2 individuals dig up a newly buried corpse (best when dead 2-3 weeks) and lay the body down on its back. then one individual places his/hers mouth on the body's anus while the other precedes to get a running start and jumps on the body feet first. whatever comes out is called MUNG.
If you like to eat MUNG, then go MUNGING as often as possible...

Fat Dead People are Best.
by B-Hint May 18, 2004
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a small purple monster featured in the horror short film The Munge
"oh no The Munge got me!!"
by mung3mast3r3000 October 19, 2022
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A Northern British Slang for the Beef Curtains. It’s also slang for gonorrhoea
Yeah I fucked Becky’s munge because she’s reeces mum but then I got munge );
by R0_gUE September 7, 2018
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