Acting braindead by choice, without having a mental disability
Josh: Is this guy mentally disabled?
Billy: Nah, I think he's just an intentional retard
by StreakRes February 4, 2023
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this word is a young word like for a plyer who really wants to be a breaker or it is a is also a qiuck word for an player who is strong and also play good in sports but bad in computers
wow that guy look fine.i consider him as a critical intention.
by Angel February 16, 2005
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Triggering automatic call tasks on and parallel dialing those prospects on to get instant call connects while leads are red hot.
by Cold calling master August 14, 2023
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And FURTHERMORE, since you wanted to go there "SIS", in addition to having to carry lesser players to victory KICKING AND SCREAMING, I'M KNOWN IN THE COMMUNITY. In the same way that I'm known internationally for my genius, I'm known in the community and people recognize my name and overtly or subtly sabotage my matches. I recognize and remember the names of the people who do it repeatedly.
Hym "There is also an element of intentional sabotage. Like, right now. You're reading this and are STILL withholding actionable information from me aren't you? That's what makes YOU and the rest of them saboteurs. I don't need to know you. YOU only need to know me. I will be the one!"
by Hym Iam April 4, 2023
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An implementation intention is a self-regulatory strategy in the form of an "if-then plan" that when used can lead to better goal attainment, as well as helping in habits and behavior modifications. It is subordinate to goal intentions as it specifies the when, where and how portions of goal-directed behavior
I used " implementation intention" to better my life and make goals for myself, instead of just sitting around hoping they will actually be achieved through time.
by tobi_lab December 13, 2019
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Manipulating someone to do what you want for your own selfish cause. For example, leading someone to think that you love them deeply but only wanting to use them for sex.
Jim: So y'all exclusive?

Tim: Nah, she thinks we are, but I just want to fuck.

Jim: Are you going to tell her?

Tim: Nah, it's better this way.

Jim: Aye, those are cold intentions.
by Cutiewiththehoodie June 14, 2020
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The process of intentionally changing oneself's personality to that of a whiney bastard, often in order to get laid. See also emoization.
Girl, that's a case of intentional emoization there. He's prolly still a virgin, and a pervert at that.
by Twiggi March 9, 2005
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