When one is having sexual intercourse with their partner and right before climax one strikes her in the back of the head with vigorating force with intent to cause the twatty fun hole to give an ultimate masturbation grip on one's super studley retarded man snake. Side effects generally are major bruies around the dangle worm of fury, loss of memory, concussion, and possible though rare, coma, death, and loss of function of the man-gina or the man-gina itself.
Dick hardcore donkey punched Jane and gave her amnesia.

Police Report: "A couple abbrasions on the back, possible cause of death is a hardcore donkey punch to the back of the cranium. The Twatty Hit Slap Antagonist has strucken again..."
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A donkey punch delivered by some unexpected fellow who suprisingly appears and instanainiously donkey punches the girl for his buddy who is not ballsy enough to do it himself.
So I dutch donkey punch -ed your mom last night, thought your dad would get mad, but it wasn't him.
by pickle snuffalufagus February 16, 2010
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<So what did you do last night?>
<Got bored and donkey punched myself while watching porn>
<Why the fuck would you ever do that?!>
by Noameo January 17, 2015
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When fuckin a chick from behind, you drop an elbow in her lower back and as she is coming up from the pain you give her a nice punch in the back of the head.
Watch that shit get real tight and stay in!! The McDougal Donkey Punch!!
by The McDougaller February 17, 2011
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When during sex you administer a Donkey Punch so hard chocolate comes out, similar to novelty wooden donkeys that defecate candy.
When I gave her a Wooden Donkey Punch, it was raining chocolate.
by uramisan August 18, 2010
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when a man donkey punches a woman at the top of a staircase and rides her down the stairs
Marge rode Mark with her asshole but wouldn't let him have an orgasm. So Mark did a donkey punch toboggan to Marge and he came all over her at the bottom of the stairs.
by The Scottish Muffinman November 26, 2009
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Like the donkey punch which utilizes a blow to the back of the cranium to create a slight tightness from your partners puss as you ram her doggie style, the super donkey too utilizes a punch. However, the punch utilized is a windmill punch that is directed to the side of your moaning partners jaw line causing violent tightning of her vagina walls and possibly urine spillage. Its intent is to get as much tightening of the vagina walls around your cock to simulate virgin hot pussy as you are about to pop your load. To completly knock your partner out would offer the best effect as there will be a complete utter tightness to your member and as she pisses a warm sensation as you pop your load. With her passing out a soft release of the vagina walls is created and warmness is so grand.
I seen a guy with a shirt on that said "I specialize in the Super Donkey Punch". I took it to be true as his bitch's mouth was wired shut and her face was badly bruised.
by TexasFM3 June 21, 2006
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