An employee in a service sector job, usually low-ranking, who tries to find any excuse not to accept coupons.
I tried to use a coupon, but the Coupon Nazi at the register read me the riot act.
by RoundenBrown December 13, 2019
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(noun) A person who wait in ambush for stores to restock a sale item to buy in bulk and then turn around sell at an insane markup somewhere else.
Employee A: " Look at that woman, shes been standning in the detergent aisle all afternoon? "Employee b: :she knows there is a truck to night and she is hoping to catch a new shipment of Arm and Hammer for a buck to turn around and sell for 3. " Employee A: "Thats a coupon poacher for you,"
by Captain Ginyu August 13, 2017
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Cleaning out an asian womans vagina
Man eats out a dirty asian woman who has not cleaned herself out in days. hence sushi coupon
by jason234357454 June 24, 2011
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A couponer is a person that uses every coupon they find on discounts/sales at their local stores. They usually have their stocks of stuff down in a basment or room.
"Melissa told me she wants to start collecting coupons; become a couponer."
by phoenix18 September 14, 2020
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A "clip 'n' save" slip of paper for a local restaurant dat entitles you to a free or discounted upgrade in da mustard-sauce included wif your meal.
Financially-solvent dude: I really appreciate how Tiffany always orders just bargain-basement fare whenever we go out to eat; she never asks for fancy seasonings unless I have a poupon coupon for said meal.
by QuacksO February 23, 2022
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This coupon can be used October 21 for the booty picture this coupon can be used for 5
Let me use the coupon for boottty

Booty pic coupon
by Themenofmen07 October 22, 2020
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