Sister Joy needs to stop eating cabbage or join a Pentecostal congregation, she was really clapping with the choir last Sunday.
by Ibn al Khawadja November 2, 2013
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A group of hillbillies singing a cheesy rock song in unison.
Danny's wedding was beautiful. We formed a Kentucky Choir and sang "Kiss From A Rose"
by YankeePenis December 11, 2016
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Choir fucking sucks espically when you get yelled at everyday cuz ur not perfect. most of the time the teacher cant even sing and is jealous of the students in that class. she makes kids have concerts every two montha and they arent even preparred. She will give you abunch of songs to sing at a concert and lets you practice them twice then expects you to know them perfectly by the concert. she also makes you make stupid music videos that are pointless and you will get a f for the quarter if you dont participate. if you are in st bernard choir i feel bad for you cuz your life is probably misserable.
Person 1: Are you in St. Bernard choir class?
Person 2: Yeah why???
Person 1: OMG your life probably fucking sucks
by #definitionsofpeople! December 4, 2019
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A once a year occurance in which people at an Italian dinner restaurant will be forced to fart in tune and create micheal Jackson tunes.
by Jim Steiner December 12, 2019
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An absolute LEGEND of a man who understands that REAL MEN SING. Can typically be found making godlike harmonies as he steals yo girl.
Chad sings beautifully in his men’s choir and is an absolute CHOIR KING 🤴
by raptor99 January 5, 2022
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When someone sings so well that that your physical attraction to them intensifies and they suddenly appear 1000x more attractive than before.
Oh my god. His voice is like rich dark chocolate. I never thought I'd ever be attracted to him, but with a voice like that I've got major Choir Goggles for him. He's so sexy.
by Vannahrose143 May 10, 2014
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A. A person who likes to think their shit doesn't stink.

B. A phoney person who is putting on a front to impress or satisfy someone.

C. An extreme hypocrite/deceiver.
Johnny used to smoke weed with me everyday, but now he's a little choir boy and tells me it's illegal.
by Ladaloitel July 1, 2018
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