The medical anomaly that occours when a male patient with a dislocated leg has his leg relocated, and one or more of the testicles becomes snagged in between the femur and the pelvis causing intense pain.
A man in the ER was screaming for several hours after being stuck in a bootleg scenario.
by VeniVidiVici75 January 2, 2011
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a bad gmod dupe made to look like the projectionist from the indie game bendy and the ink machine. he screams about how he hates stairs
stiffler 1: i hate stairs
stiffler 2: what are you the bootleg projectionist
by Vulpis July 14, 2018
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bootleg: to make, transport and/or sell an illegal version or copy of a copyright product.

collage: a composite object or collection (abstract or concrete) created by the assemblage of various media; especially for a work of art such as text, film, etc.

bootleg-collage: an artwork created by the assemblage of various media; especially illegal versions or copies of a copyright product.
"That artist uses bootlegs to create artwork: 'bootleg-collages'." - says a critic
by February 6, 2013
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A bootleg is the natural leg of a person who has one peg(wooden) leg and one natural leg. It's called the bootleg because it is the one that has a foot and would need a boot and the peg leg does not need a boot. It was a term that was used when shoes were made to order one pair at a time or in some cases just one was made for the "bootleg".
How's that new shoe feeling on your bootleg Joe? Sorry about getting your boot and peg leg sides mixed up, I should know by now. I think that's the 6th bootleg shoe I've made you since the accident.
by SenorSauce August 17, 2023
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Bootleg means an unofficial thing or copied could also be a illegal copy of things.
Dude this toy is so bootleg! | Why did i just buy a bootleg item? | This item is bootleg
by Bacon master91 September 25, 2021
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In the EDM scene means a remix that was done by an unpopular (usually beginner) artist for or after an event and distributed via their social network profiles. Since EDM is an intellectual property wasteland where any copyrighted sound gets edited one way or another and pretty much everybody famous borrows from somebody else since at least the early 2010, producing a track titled "Me - My song (Somedude Bootleg)" roughly means they want in on the industry as well and want to get famous. Many of today's popular DJs have realeased bootlegged remixes at least once in their lifetime.
"Yo, check out that Calvin Harris remix! Sick, right?"
"That's not a remix, that's someone's bootleg"
"But it's sick still?"
"It's yours, isn't it?"
by Shadiac September 22, 2022
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