as said by Yang Se Hyung on the show village survival the eight " meaning that when you have everything but you fail to achieve something".
Jennie found many hints for the mystery hunt but was scared she will become Do Yeon.
by suck it green boy April 19, 2022
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There is a non-technological type of AI on the block and her name ain't Jenny, Sophia, or #TheLightWeCarry.

Becoming: AI is when your supernatural philosopher's stone (divine heart) turns into a heart of stone (robot heart).
It's devastating and evident to see humans Becoming: AI throughout this Russo-Ukrainian War.
by Sjoewee October 6, 2022
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You have to become a girl from September 18th-31st. Girls are not affected.โ€
โ€œAw damn, gotta be a girl, itโ€™s become a girl day..โ€
by msisnksnakan September 18, 2021
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Something realistic you don't see in a high school yearbook, even if it would help people prepare for reality. A few other ones you don't see are most likely to become a transvestite, most likely to commit suicide, most likely to become a gunman or mass murderer, and most likely to take money from classmates (legally or illegally).
He/she was voted Most likely to become a drug addict by his/her peers in high school.
by Solid Mantis January 22, 2021
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Not just going off the grid, but moving to a tech-less society or another non technologically advanced planet, like the Little Prince.
Stop becoming the Little Prince, you don't need a technology detox, at least not now.
by Sexydimma October 28, 2023
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Allosexuals see someone and see/think/feel "SEXY" ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ
But fellow demisexuals know that's not the demisexual way. We don't see the sexy. The sexy could be screaming in our poor demi faces and we wouldn't know.

Oh but until we know. Then we KNOW.

The Becoming is that Demisexualโ„ข๏ธ moment when someone BECOMES sexy. You'll know it if you've felt it. IYKYK. The allosexuals won't understand but my fellow Demi's you know it.
Demisexual: (sees someone) they're not attracti-
Demisexual: (same person, except now there's emotional real estate) ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ HOLY MOTHER FUDGE ...The Becoming has begun ๐ŸงŽ๐Ÿป โ™€๏ธ
by your friendly neighbour queer October 10, 2023
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