A heavily edited, fake online video that will often result in injury or burning your house down
A man burned down his house trying the viral hack where you cook a steak in your toaster.
by keveloperer June 17, 2022
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a Stage Mom of the digital age Pushy, obnoxious, crazy mothers who force their kids to act, model & do stupid shit on Vine. Usually turning them into emotionally scared adults. who end up on Dr. Phil.
You: I just got 5k followers!
Viral Mom: My 3 year old has more followers than you... =\_(°°)_/= WUT?
by Rowan N. Martin May 30, 2015
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A virus with the characteristics of being (a) fake as your mother in laws tiddys (b) as big as the mask it will take to cover Derek's triple chins and nose at the same time deeming it effective and (c) as contagious as Wade's bullshit
Derek has federal state viral respiratory infection (fsvri), at least his imagination works- too bad he doesn't.
by 69kisses January 6, 2020
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A term used by slimy modern media outlets to try and in-still fear in the general public over a organized pandemic. Can also be linked back to for-profit agencies
Hey, people aren’t getting vaccinated fast enough so let’s try to in-still fear in them through creating the term “viral blizzard
by Bushdiver#5 December 23, 2021
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this is when someone records a viral post and doesnt include the original creator of the post that went plasma viral, and steal all their content. the punishment is the worst death possible instantly. otherwise the creator dont mind you making him more famous and loving him, but if no one knows its him, whats the point?
he wanted to steal that guy content so he would get rich instead of him and make him homeless and die, what a plasma viral law breaker.
by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ April 25, 2022
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Something Kendrick Lamar says in his song Humble.
If I quit this season, I still be the greatest, funk...
My left stroke just went viral
Right stroke put lil' baby in a spiral...
by isuukkk_kkk March 8, 2019
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The state of continually going viral on internet platforms such as X or TikTok.
Gizmo the Grey Bird announced that he was viraling again on YouTube.
by TimeFoolery September 14, 2023
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