(n) A title given to only those who are seen as a Golden God among their people. They must have accomplished great feats or strength, courage, speed, and size. In all aspects of thier lives. Although their physical complexion is usually somewhat, weak to say the least. Their skin color is also usually defined as "never seen the light 'o day", which is a common skin tone among gamers
See that guy over there? Yeah, the skinny one that is as white as day? That guy is a Sir Danforth The Vicious. Yhats right, he is just that amazing!
by AdmiralAckbar August 3, 2009
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Dude: "Hey do you see that girl over there?"
Dude 2: "Hell yea,lookin Summer Vicious in that bikini!"
Dude: "Wanna bang her?"
Dude2: "Whoever gets to her first wins bro!"
by sharkbaitoohlala456 December 17, 2009
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The White House pets no one knew Trump had.
"They would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen", Trump tweeted, of the protestors.
by Monkey's Dad May 30, 2020
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The violent/hard kiss you receive or give to/from your significant other, that causes a sexual rush, usually results in sexual intercourse or a hardcore makeout session
by ScratchTheSkateboardingHobo November 5, 2012
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When someone begins arse licking another person (figuratively) who then begins to arse lick them back so as to provoke further arse licking from the first party. May result in a tear in the fabric of space and time if the circle is large enough.
Harley: Wow I love hanging around with lower sixth so much they think i'm a god. I best hang around with them more so they worship me more

Lower sixth pleb: Wow harley is so cool hanging roud with us lower sixth plebians, we best keep worshipping him so he doesn't leave us

All: Oh for shame, we have created a vicious circle of arse lickery and now the universe as we know it will cease to exist.
by Q.P Wildebeest September 20, 2011
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When you scrunch up one or both eye(s) and your mouth in an attempt to look like Sid Vicious. It is often called a Kid Vicious face, named after Benji Madden of Good Charlotte, who's nickname is Kid Vicious. He tries to be Sid, but he just can't pull it off
At Sam's birthday party, we got pix of me,Hess, and Gabby all pulling KV Faces.
by Bus55_is_4_StraightEdgers_only February 8, 2004
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