Female Woody, otherwise known as an erection in male terms. Occurs when a female sees a super hot guy. Short for Vagina Erection.
"He was so hot, I instantly got a Vi-Rection" .... "Girl, did you see him, I better hide this Vi-Rection"
by thinkslikeadude January 19, 2016
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Vision International School (VIS), is a school in Qatar with mix of boys and girls. There is a lot of gossip that goes on in VIS. Although the girls there are so pretty especially grade 9 and 8 (graduates of 27 & 28). But be careful though there is a big group of girls in grade 9 i think that would literally gossip about anything and everything you do.
Person:"Omg you go to VIS?"
by ilovecookies078 September 3, 2023
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vis is a horrible person who likes minors and a little boy named Dionta.
He screenshotted his face reveal and sent it to people which spread on the internet and is for sale in a minors section on the dark web. He loves reacting to discord chats with the black nerd emoji to show he loves the chat.
"Did you hear what vis did?"
"Yeah I cant believe he did that to poor Dionta"
by La'Marieon October 10, 2023
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He thinks it’s probably just a company.
Bro I think a Vi Luu is calling me
by KneeThinFanPageUnofficial October 29, 2021
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Special form of writing Ventrilo information. Usually used/known by people without lives.

Server IP/Hostname
Person 1: "Can you give me that Vent info?"
Person 2: *Writes Down*

Person 1: "Yea we're gonna be myg0t'in it up tonight."
Person 2: "For sure!"

VI form
by Luler February 8, 2008
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A person who has the same zodiac sign as their bsf. I was told to write a larger paragraph. Cant hold a dog. Unnecessarily rude.
“Your zodiac is ____, Man-vi.”
“We have the same sign.”
by Khu-shi June 4, 2021
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Basically means 'Good to know'/'Sounds like life to me'. Also, can be meant as both, simultaneously.
Good to know: My daughter, "Oh shit Mom, I forgot my wallet! 🤦🏼"

My Moms, "Gru~Vi`. 😶"

Sounds like life to me: My ex, "I'm in jail without bail.. 😩"

Me, "Gru~Vi`. 🤷"
by Gypsy Cowgal November 10, 2019
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