The Iceberg is, without a fraction of a doubt, the most powerful physical attack ever produced by any living creature to grace the surface of the Earth. This move has yet to even be mastered by anybody in the last 15 millenia. The only known record of the move dates back to 65 million years ago during the cretaceous period, creating the explosion that is widely known for bringing about the end of the dinosaurs.

The move begins with a world-shaking holler, the first signal that imminent doom is approaching. The user then leaps into the air and pounces onto the opponent, flipping them over their head and onto the ground face first. Once the user recovers onto their feet, they will unleash the final part of the devastating attack on the enemy, who is on the ground on all fours in agonizing pain. The user will channel turn around and sprint from 0-to-200 mph towards the downed enemy, winding their right foot back for a kick. Then you will harness the strength of Mother Earth herself, and deliver a kick with the mass of a thousand suns directly to the enemy's testicles. The impact will be so grand, so powerful, so absolutely catastrophic that the light produced when your foot makes contact with their balls will act as a 600-meter radius flashbang. The kick will split every atom in the ball-sack simultaneously, effectively creating a "Tsar Bomba"-tier explosion. Using this move should only be used as the final effort, the last stand, as it will surely bring about the end of days.
Eric: "Wanna hear a joke bro?"
Jon: "Yeah, your momma, got 'em!"
Eric: *does The Iceberg on Jon*
Everything on Earth: *fucking dies*
by DiningEtiquette November 24, 2020
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When fucking a girl in the ass, it's when your cock pierces a piece of shit deep in her rectum, leaving a bit of shit on the tip of your cock after you pull out.
I was fucking Jen so hard and deep in her ass last night that I got carried away and ended up tipping the iceberg. It was pretty nasty.
by DKDestroyer August 24, 2008
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Refer to the tropical icicle... That but with a pineapple
Guy #1: I finally scored with Tiffany last night!

Guy #2: Nice bro!
Guy #1: Yea, but I think she might just be really slutty, when I went down on her she was super wide...Tasted good though...
Guy #2: Dude, she must have tried the tropical iceberg man! Stay away from that shit, she's probably crazy.
by Mike Honcho 47 June 15, 2017
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When you freeze a large shit log and then use it as a frozen dildo.
"Honey - I was thinking about iceberging you tonight?"
"You read my mind - I'll pull one out of the freezer!"
by Bertonius February 5, 2016
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The act of placing a block of ice too big to flush just before someone has to defecate in it.
Suddenly stricken with a case of food poisoning, Rebecca was shocked to see a block of ice too big to flush in the only available toilet. She had no choice but to leave a muddy iceberg.
by Rtrchc December 27, 2017
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When you take a monstrosity of a shit to where a small portion is protruding out of the water.
Guy 1:"Dude you alright? You were in the bathroom for like 30 mins."
Guy 2:"Yeah I'm alright, I was Dropping An Iceberg."
Guy 1:"The fuck did you just say?"
by WashableTaco December 26, 2020
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An Iceberg lore is a term used to define all of something's lore that's isn't directly indicated clearly. It's something not many people will know. Or see, like an Iceberg, which is never fully visible.
The iceberg lore. How deep does it go?
by Petitpanier May 13, 2022
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