When the fact that a girl is incredibly hot is overshadowed by her fervent Christianity. Even though you would love to have sex with her, her religiosity is so overpowering that you would much rather just talk some sense into her.

This makes a reference to Russell's teapot, a thought experiment meant to demonstrate that non-belief in religion is the rational choice.
Man, Caitlin is so hot, I would totally hit it... hit it over the head with Russell's teapot, that is.
by bertrandrussell March 8, 2012
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A slang term for a sexual act in which a man ejaculates a large amount of semen into one of a woman's nostrils while she tilts her head and allows it to flow out of the other nostril. Origin implies a reference to the volcano Ojos del Salado and a traditional neti pot used for sinus irrigation.
Did you see that video of the chick getting a Salado Teapot?

He paid the escort an extra $150 to finish with a Salado Teapot.
by HandyDandyUSA July 23, 2022
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A Russian teapot is a lewd action where a man stretches his scrotum into the shape of a bowl or cup and either urinates into it or has another partner urinate into it. The other person proceeds to drink the sweaty-hairy-ballsack-piss beverage straight out of the other’s nut sack cup.
Person 1: “Did you ever end up taking Ashlyn back to your place?”
Person 2: “Yeah I did; I had to kick her out after she asked me to Russian Teapot her, though.”
by mamaswhorecollector September 5, 2019
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Real name olly mcanny
Definition of o.l teapot If you piss off o.lteapot he will use his mma skills and kidnap your African kids
by Unknown local fraud star January 7, 2022
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Little My is a small, feral rat baby who really likes pastel stuff like deadass??? She bites and is older than she looks wtf is with this child, she’s a bean, you either love her or hate her, no in between, also known as the urban definition of lesbian.
“Yo bro did you see Jessica? She deadass came out as Little My The Teapot Gremlin ?”

Yeah bro LOL she is valid .”
by Little My May 26, 2020
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It is when you tea bag someone during the hot days of summer in the southern states
In this sweltering heat his balls steamed against my head, during the Alabama teapot.
by Longline35 November 4, 2018
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