A girl who sucks dick in a game of truth or dare. She thinks she’s bad when in reality no one likes her skinny ass
She went to Leon’s house , ate some crisps, and pulled a dirty Margaret
by Fkdksoaosc May 7, 2020
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A school in England filled to the brim with chavs who have an IQ in the negatives. If you do not conform, you will be bullied by the small-minded peeps of LMS. Oh, and things went to sh*t ever since the new headteacher came around. Muck-up day? Banned. House plays? Of course not! (Yep, she literally banned FUN).

If you roll your skirt up so high that everyone can see your arse, then you're considered the best thing since sliced bread. Otherwise, RIP.
Person 1: 'Those chavs are so annoying!'
Person 2: 'Eh, we must be close to Lady Margaret's School.'
by Cewlperson October 15, 2019
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This place is a living hell hole. Teachers have told students they are the people who started the Holocaust. Very fat vice principal that smells like shit.
I heard that kid at Saint Margaret School was raped by his vice principal
by bigrichardcock February 1, 2019
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She is the best person you are ever gonna meet. She is sweet, smart, and very funny. Extremely beautiful. You cross her and you are dead. She can be the most annoying person ever. Sometimes she also has a problem noticing the most obvious things.

She loves to play sports and thinks she is good but always ends up losing!! She is a sour loser so let her win.
by _Ifyouknowyouknow April 28, 2022
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Too rich to be public but too broke to be private. Shitty sports but ok kids.
Damn, is Benilde-St. Margaret's a fancy public school or a crusty ass private school?
by yee skee ree motherfuckers April 16, 2019
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Anne Margaret Eilertsen is the definition of a boss and is sooooo amazingly hot.
Anne Margaret Eilertsen has supper luscious hair
by not available....karlobio November 15, 2011
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Really just not an enjoyable place. Known as the most “public-like” private school in Minnesota.
Man fuck Benilde-St. Margaret’s kids, bunch of uneducated stuck up pussies.
by Gary.winthorpe December 27, 2017
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