When people be spreading rumors that you got crabs or some other fungus in your nether regions...
“Maaan...I got a lotta bad Pube-lice-ity right now...this girl been saying I got mad crabs to everyone”
by Johnny Lasagna February 24, 2021
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1. One who gambles so much with his/her genitalia that one ends up getting crabs. (also known as crabshooter.)
"He rolled the dice, now he has the lice! Heś suffering from dice-lice"
by EloquentMofo February 8, 2016
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When you wear someone's hat, while you already have pre-existing lice.
Adam: Hey that's my hat!
Issa: Yeah get liced bitch!
by Jesus Cook September 15, 2021
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lice catcher;


Cap worn over hair or head or under chin to catch falling hair.

Hair net
Netting worn over hair of food preparers, for the prevention of hair contamination in food.
"So, you're supposed to come in on time, be dressed in full uniform and wear a lice trap on your head and beard every time you step into the kitchen. Got it, Theresa?"

"I'm sorry you found several hairs in your pudding, sir. Every member of my crew wears a lice trap on their head and beard. Are you sure they're not rat hairs?"
by Cravicky January 22, 2022
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A thing where lice accidentally gets inside your asshole and there is no way to get them out.
Ex: My friend asked if i wanted to go to the pool today, I said no because I had Ass-Lice Syndrome.
by asslice December 15, 2019
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lice are aliens they have tiny UFO's that look exactly like seeds so no humans notice. They land in your hair and start running over your head waiting for you to itch and get them there food. If you resit the sensation they will itch your scalp themselves, but you see, lice are greedy and always want more so they itch to much. they itch inside of your head and have there luxurious red water as it dyes your hair. You scream in pain but they don't listen, they just want more... More!!! MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by SlimeTHEdevil September 17, 2020
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