When you have aids and your uterus is filled with gravel (small pieces of rock) and when you sneeze your gravel filled uterus shoots out.
"I have to go to the hospital. I think I have loose gravel aids."
by Typesofaids December 13, 2016
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the theory that, as a duck needs gravel to eat and digest its food, a man needs sex to live.
"Man, I'm taking you to the bar tonight. You need to get some gravel for your duck"
by old man dan March 1, 2008
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Humorous play on the acronym GRC, the French abbreviation for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Used in reference to the rural backroads where their Officers tend to patrol.
"Damn gravel road cops always jackin' me up. This is the 3rd ticket this month."
by koevoet November 10, 2020
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generally a woman, used to describe someone who has acne so bad on their back it looks like they were dragged through gravel
Ryan: Man, you see that girls face?

Me: Yeah? it's nasty

Ryan: Well, i heard that she's got it all over her back and body.

Jesse: Yeah, she's such a gravel back it's not even funny man.
by C-layton November 16, 2007
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the theory that, as a duck needs gravel to eat and digest its food, a man needs sex to live.
"Man, I'm taking you to the bar tonight. You need to get some gravel for your duck"
by "OMD" February 29, 2008
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Ughh, her parents being in the next room is such a gravel watcher!
by babyydee August 5, 2010
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The cutest, hottest, funnest, sweetest, boy you can ever meet.
Your literally the luckiest person ever if you get to be with him.
Jdgt111: hey my names John david gravel the 3rd
Person: omg! Marry me!
by AL-AGATOR<3 March 20, 2022
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