Cynical television programming, whereby producers starve a disparate bunch of people in a jungle & subject the to torture (for the publics "entertainment").

Instead of criminals they victimise people who used to be on the telly, and who need a career boost. To that end the phrase should really be - I'm a celebrity WHEN I get out of here (for 5 minutes).
Ohh great another series of I'm a celebrity get me out of here - no point even switching on the TV until after Christmas

Ooohhh look, breakfast television is dragging out I'm a celebrity..... every morning, again!
by lucid_entity November 23, 2004
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has a gf but doesn’t wanna get caught
girl: man i wanna fuvk

boy: you just tryna get me talkin😫
by lemmalemma55 January 21, 2022
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Someone who takes an extreme proactive "just do it" stance in your life.
Me : Gee, I really need to clean my messy house.

Friend: I am coming over tomorrow with my cleaners and

going to help you scrub this place down until it is spic and span !

Me: Wow , don't get all nike on me.
by mamadrama October 8, 2013
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A term that means that a guy is going out usually on the town and get some pussy or in other words get some sex.
Woman: Not tonight I got a headach.
Man:Alright,I'm gona go out and get me some.
by The Fury 13 January 29, 2011
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Talking to the Jewish UrbanDictionary Editors, here.

I think they still might be watching me.

Anyway, finding a decent girl is becoming harder than I thought. Do you guys have any single Jewish females hanging around? I’m not really sure how to go about getting the perfect girl. It’s making me so mad and sad.
Can you guys try to get me a girlfriend ?

Just in case you Jewish guys are still there and are concerned
by March 12, 2022
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A burger that comes with creme fraiche
"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Don't Get Creme Fraiche With Me Burger, it comes with creme fraiche!"
by America Lover 🇺🇸 November 17, 2018
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