The Flare Fighter Jenny, aka Jenny, is the nicest person you will ever meet. She is so sweet and kind to everyone around her. She constantly serves others and is very selfless. Everyone wants to be friends with her. She is very accepting. You can always talk to her if you need something or just want someone to talk to.
Person A: Hey, who's one of the nicest people on The Maze Runner Wiki?

Person B: There's no doubt it - The Flare Fighter Jenny!
by Newt14 July 31, 2020
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A sound you make that sounds like a flare going off coupled with throwing your hand in the air used to get someones to come to you mostly a teacher of some sort
Girl: I need help.
Guy: send up a Scholer Flare.
Girl:yeah good idea.
by Papa Scholer June 6, 2007
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(Also RWR Flare)
The gay-looking little raise of the leg that happens when a homosexual or effeminate male throws a ball.
"You were running with an R-Dub flare."

"My brother throws like a girl, he has the R-Dub flare happening."
by Crab October 8, 2003
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When a homosexual male acts, dresses, or shares characteristics of a heterosexual male. Typically involves dressing in frat apparel or enjoying sports and other heterosexual activities.
Ethan had some straight boy flare last night with his Atlanta United jersey.
by egibss June 30, 2017
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Hentai depicting Solar Flare from Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes that’s disturbingly common within the plants vs. zombies community. Just searching up things about the game will result in you finding it. Some find it hot, some find it gross some don’t care and some bully and death-threat people who like it, which is just as fucked up.
Person 1: Searched up Solar Flare pvz and I got a bunch of pvz porn wtf?
Person 2: It’s just your occasional Solar Flare rule 34 so get used to it. We’re all traumatised
by This-user-likes-pvz September 26, 2023
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The lowest tier weapon in a classic Doom/Quake-style first person shooter. Named such because all it does is draw attention to the user for somebody better-equipped to pwn.
I just killed somebody with a BFG and this noob still rushed me with a dead man's flare gun.
by BottleLiving June 25, 2011
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A look often defined as "Sexy".
Daaaaang, mater! Dis hurre chap gots him some Flare jeans with Cow boy boots. YEEEEEEHAW!
by CowboyBilly December 23, 2010
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