The most offensive word in the english language used to describe the female genetailia and Ann Coulter
by Justin_FF7 October 7, 2006
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That annoying, loud, angry and bank account-draining thing a vagina is attached to.
Damn, man. I'd love to get some of that pussy if it didn't belong to that cunt!
by Cookiezilla November 24, 2008
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While often used to describe a vagina or an unbecoming person, originally used in old English to describe hitting someone with force. Since women were often the recipients of slaps or punches, the term 'cunt' began to apply to women, and then to their genitalia.
Tom: You wanna chill today?

Gino: Can't dude, I'm getting in this cunt's cunt.

Tom: Good work, cunt.
by Twaterhouse11 July 6, 2012
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Used as an insult but actually means vagina.
Your a cunt Margie!

Do I look like a vagina?
by 1inABillion April 5, 2015
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A place so beautiful and warm that a dick jumps up and gushes when it sees one.
My dick spewed its love when it beheld the awesome cunt.
by muffdiver1001 August 20, 2009
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very drunk
We staggered out of this bar at 2am - absolutely cunted
by Bob C December 20, 2002
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Person 1 - That conniving underhand needless twat is a right cunt.
Person 2 - And he also smells of piss.
by Gould September 29, 2006
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