It’s like a smooth pancake.
You just wanna pour syrup all over it and dig in 👅😩
When you see it in real life, it’s like smooth ice cream and you just want to lick it like you are in a hot desert and no water left and it is over 100 degrees.

You just want to make a house on his forehead and live in that house with pride.
That’s also where he keeps extra lungs.
That’s how he sings those notes..
by Holywqter August 7, 2018
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The way hot lead singer of Panic! at the disco. his lips, large and lucious!!!! good for kissing.
omg! have you seen him?! he has brendon urie lips!!
by hollywood bound February 7, 2007
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somebody who obsesses over brendon urie so they call themselves his wife.
person 1- Whats your name? Person 2: I’m brendon uries wife wbu? person 1- wtf
by brendon uries imaginary wife September 13, 2020
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Person 1:”have you heard of our lord and savior brendon urie?”
Person 2:”yes,and i hate him. what a stupid idiot

person 2 is the sensible one.
by lukateto12 July 31, 2019
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This is the gloreous forehead of (cough cough daddy) Brendon urie the legend of all the foreheads
“Why do people say Brendon urie has a big forehead?”
“Because, Brendon uries big forehead goreous forehead out foreheads us all.”
by Xx_botdfisyournewgod_xX March 20, 2018
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possibly the only music video where a boy can turn another boy gay in like .0000001 second
autumn: omg have you seen brendon urie girls/girls/boys
lizzy; he looks so ugly in it
autumn; im gonna kill you
lizzy; huh
autumn; its possibly the only music video where a boy can turn another boy gay in like .0000001 secon
by panicbrendon87 November 3, 2020
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The extraordinarily talented musical brilliance of Panic! at the Disco. Overwhelmingly handsome and attractive. Has a magnificent and perfect voice. Born in Summerlin, Las Vegas, Nevada; on April 12th 1987.
''Who is the hot lead singer of Panic! at the Disco?''
''Brendon Boyd Urie''
by mo9 September 23, 2009
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