when your girl be cheating on you and letting other guys give her anal
best friend: hey why is your girl such a bitch ass penis wipe
me: i dont really know
by its ye boi mr krabbs May 8, 2020
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Someone who talks a good game about being able to drink people under the table, yet passed out before any good stuff at the party happens. This usually occurs after challenging people to shots. On awakening, he talks about how great everything was based on what her heard from everyone else's stories.
Blake was trying to force mentor do shots with him. I relented, but he turned into a Maddox Ass Bitch.
by The.real.man March 21, 2020
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An old proud white man with a micropenis who talks like his dick is the biggest in the room. If he takes a Viagra he gets taller. Like, how his pee pee sit perched up on his balls like that? His penis is not big enough to call a Cock.
His wife has to turn the lights off when they have boring 2 minute sex, because it's easier for her to get Bitch Ass Terry to fall asleep so she can finish.

A Bitch Ass Terry ruins everything for everyone, as he carries himself like he's God's gift to women when in reality he's all talk and it's a plague.

Look at that Bitch Ass Terry with his fucking Bitch Ass socks and sandals.

Look at that Bitch Ass Terry taking tums before he eats those basic bitch ground beef white people tacos with extra sour cream.

Did you see that Bitch Ass Terry brought his cousin to prom and stopped to get condoms on the way?

Look at Bitch Ass Terry rocking those Crocs and socks. Fucking wonder bread looking motherfucker.
by You know what you did. October 16, 2022
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The standard quadrilateral flying kite intersected by sticks at its vertices. Known as a "bitch-ass kite" due to its use by young children.
Did you see Jimmy flying his bitch-ass kite?
by nullptr July 26, 2022
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@Jackmio77 having circular arguments with prostitutes, stand for being a Stupid Ass Bitch
Stop being a DAF SAB (Stupid Ass Bitch)
by Bobjoned September 28, 2023
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A black person who acts like a thug but is really white washed and gets no bitches specially lightskins mostly the ones named sammy
Sammy:punk ass white boy ill crush you on ahk

His freind: punk ass black bitch
by Slime goon draco October 15, 2023
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