Tracy 296-Fear Warrior-

Fucking noobs
Fear warrior is fucking his dad!

... fucking noob
by Bass~BlueIce February 19, 2005
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A total noob with everything that has to do with Xbox 360.

.. furthermore, gets raped by total novices/pkc4
wow The DamienSAUR, ur such a 360 noob at GOW.
get raped.

by teh h4x0r May 30, 2007
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(-noun) The attachable grenade launcher in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

(-verb) Being killed by the attachhable grenade launcher in the Call of Duty series.
(noun) "Dude, don't use the 'Noob Tube', its hella gay"
(verb) "Oh shit!!! I just got 'Noob Tubed!'
by Blatent Lack of Judgement July 22, 2010
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Shown and used in the PurePwnage video 'Micro-Management'

It's what noobs say to eachother during gameplay etc. - n00b smack talk!
Narrator: Demoralizing enemy n00bs with smack talk, known in the academy as noob-com

Player 2: What's the Time?
Player 1: Your Mum, o'clock

Player 1: Are you even playing the same game I am?
Player 1: Soo did you rent your XBOX from Blockbuster Videoo?
Player 1: Right thats a n00b school bus..Right, you're on it
Player 1: Hey, I just saw a FOXnews report, on how good you are..
Player 1: See..uh..Someone who sucks called you, and they want their skills back..
Player 1: We have a level 2 n00b alert, this guy's a bomb whore!
by Darren Williams April 8, 2008
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1) a nerd that sucks at video games
2) a Nintendo Gamecube
3) a entertaining way to say noob
1) Ew, look at that nerd. I bet he pwns at video games.
Naw meng, he's a noob cube.
2) Haha, I have a Xbox, you are stuck with your noob cube.
3) You just got pwned in the a noob cube!
by AnGdyDrew March 29, 2005
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A term for the shotgun in Halo2. Any weapon called noob is actually a good weapon that players simply can't combat. This is due to suckage of the highest caliber. Or the lowest.
aids1214: Goshdamnit! You killed me w/ the noob tube!

spyderzer0: Suck it, kid. You just can't hang with me.
by Wes G. November 19, 2005
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A person who often mistakes dessert for poop, and vice versa.
Dan is a total poop noob, and thinks all that stuff in the toilet is dessert.
by p00pn00b December 27, 2011
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