Obsession with reaching a higher speed on the bonneville salt flats.
James says he isnt leaving till he hits 160. Hes got salt fever.
by Cpdough18 March 1, 2022
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Band salt is the act of getting pissed off for no reason, or no apparent reason, particularly during a band rehearsal. People may express unnecessary anger during an episode of ‘band salt’. Band salt is usually temporary, lasting from 2 hours to 2-7days in extreme cases. Tiredness is also a common factor of band salt. Irritating people can also cause band salt. Approximately 80% of the time, band salt can be shown from someone, for no reason, then the reason could be found out hours or even days later.

Band salt can be avoided by, avoiding eye contact, avoiding verbally communicating with the band salt affected person, avoid physical contact and isolate from the person with band salt.
Person with band salt: If you don’t shut up I will legit leave

Person 1: Whatever guys, I don’t really care HOAH
by anonymoussssssssssssisisisisss November 2, 2021
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A salt rim is when you have to or wish you had a squeeze of lime and lick of salt when you give a rimjob.
She came home from work after a bad day, horny as hell, and didn't have time to shower so I had to salt rim it. booty ass anal sex rimjob
by Mr. James Duffy August 29, 2015
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The act of tossing salad in the under water in the ocean
Nothing beats a good day at a beach when you get a good salt rim
by reverebeachkid October 6, 2015
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I thought it was a fish in my shorts but realized I was get salt rimmed by my girlfriend
by reverebeachkid October 6, 2015
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The salt like residue left behind on your moustache as a result of performing cunnilingus on a female with a smelly, salty and probably very acidic genital area.
Hey bro did you hear Zak got terrible moustache salt after eating out his new girlfriend?!
by FunkInUrBunt July 14, 2018
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The derivative of “smash or pass” . Created to be a hidden form of the popular slang. “salt” meaning “smash” and “pepper” being “pass”.
Bro check out that blonde girl next near the center circle, salt or pepper ?
by Alexrosiums May 21, 2021
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