Starts on the 1st of April, and ends on April 30. You must ass-pound your partner for 4 hours straight, every day.
Brandon: Ready for Ass-pound April?
Chad: Hell yeah! I be having the bitches pull up!
by SnowyBoardingFish October 31, 2021
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When you slam a girl hard and fast for a short amount of time
Hey babe keen for some top pounding tonight
by booger246895 March 19, 2014
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Watching some Dr. Phil, drinking wine, and Flower Pounding is the definition of a productive Friday night.
by Sean Murry November 29, 2018
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Getting humped without being wet and him not using lube
Guy a: did you hook up with Stephanie?
Guy b: Yeah dude, she got fucking dry pounded!
by shamefuldaddy August 17, 2017
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Our lord and saviour and leader of the universe.
His penis is gargantuan and his ass is huge.
The Queen: my god my legs have never shaked so hard after a night of fluster bluster like that.
Jake: that was splendid indeed
The Queen: let me examine The British Pound again young man
by FuckDrawstringBags June 9, 2021
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A fisted greeting between an individual and the party bottle, usually prior to a round of shots.
You know the whole round went down because of the Party Pound.
by Flyritty May 17, 2011
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When a single man is offered a pair of used jeans that should fit and he discovers they don't. This discovery prompts the individual to lose forty pounds over a pre-determined period of time, thus beginning the forty pound challenge.
Austin: Hey Ace, try on these pants, if they don't fit I'm gonna toss them.

Ace: Damn, these are way too tight. They would have fit a few years ago, I guess it's time to start a forty pound challenge.
by Tarbargain January 14, 2014
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