ella is very cool indeed
ella fan: HAPPY ELLA DAY
person: who the hell is ella
ellafan: ELLA DAY!!!!!!!!!!
by reeseypoopie March 30, 2023
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Ella Obie is shy when you get to know Her but after a little while she’s crazy. She is really beautiful and most boys Like her. She is sad a lot of the time and is good at hiding it. She doesn’t have too many friends and gets mad over the littlest things. life for Ella Obie is a challenge and she thinks that it will never get better. Even is chest sad there’s still a little bit of happiness in her.
Boy: Ella Obie is so beautiful!!!
by Fred1123 January 10, 2022
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P1: That person is having such an ella tarara moment
P2: a what moment
P1: it means they're a dumbass
by numba1ayatofan February 20, 2022
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Ella Lewis is not a bitch. She's the most generous, giving, loveable and sweet person. She has a successful life ahead of her with many accomplishments. Everyone who is an 'Ella Lewis' is one of the brightest people in everyone's life their involved in.
Ella Lewis is not a bitch, she is my best friend.
by XELISA January 27, 2022
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What you must say to your friend every time he cracks a joke, or simply to rub some syrup in his waffle shaped wounds. Can only be used on a friend who's one true love moved away to Europe.
Frank: "Bro I saw this cute girl the other day, fat ass too"
Devin: "Bro, her nose was fatter"

by hfkhdon oo3r September 28, 2022
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Harrie-Ella’s are the most adorable people on earth! They make you laugh with their funny jokes and even when they’re just trying to have a normal conversation. They mispronounce words but then make it the norm in the family. Harrie-Ella’s always come out with the craziest things and you NEVER expect what they can say next. Even when they’re young, they swear like crazy!!

If you have a Harrie-Ella in your life, you’re very lucky
Person: why do you say bag shop? what is that?
Other person: oh, it’s what my little cousin Harrie-Ella calls the kebab place
by LollyPops07 February 2, 2020
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