After the consummation of intercourse, the male mushroom cap drags a wad of semen out onto the carpet when the male pulls out.
Jim left a load on his girlfriends carpet by using his patented Boston Backblade maneuver.
by BFD137 February 20, 2017
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When a Red Sox fan uses a wooden baseball bat as a dildo on themselves
Ye, my bro Jay Foster got wicked smaht and gave himself a Boston Woody at the ballpahk and now the kid can't walk too good
by CallTheAquarium October 24, 2015
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When people hate on City of Boston, Boston sports, or the people in Boston every time they hear the word Boston,They get easily triggered in reality they know they aren’t winners like us.
I hate Boston fans, don’t say I have Boston derangement syndrome. Cause I don’t.
by Khleezy June 20, 2022
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A world-renowned magnificent sex act.

Tie your sexual partner, man or woman, to the ceiling using a slip knot. Make sure you use the correct technique during this step, so that the anus (or vagina) is perfectly in line with the man’s erect penis. When the time is right, use a specialized pair of enlonged gardening plyers to snip the rope fastened to the ceiling, thus creating a chain reaction. The man or woman from the ceiling will then come bombarding from above, and if the first step is performed to a tee, the anus will land perfectly onto the penile organ like a horseshoe. WARNING: If done without absolute presicion, this can be fatal to both partners. However, with high risk comes high reward. If this is completed flawlessly, the sensation of both partners will never be topped.
Oh man, you won’t believe me, but I actually got the Boston Chopper last night! Felt so good I thanked her father!
by not soggykickflip May 25, 2022
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Heat up an apple in a microwave (not too hot). The apple gets warm and softens up a bit, a guy cuts a hole in the apple, and has his way with the apple. After nutting in the apple, replace the core from the hole that was cut out. While partaking in food play in the bedroom, smash the softened, nutted in apple over your partners head. Following the explosion of apple and cum ask “how do you like them apples”?
My girl said she was craving something sweet so I smacked her with a Boston creamsicle.
by ShameyP May 8, 2022
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